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- Wenzhuo Zhao
MIPS架构(英语:MIPS architecture,为Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages的缩写,亦为Millions of Instructions Per Second的头字语),是一种采取精简指令集(RISC)的处理器架构,1981年出现,由MIPS科技公司开发并授权,广泛被使用在许多电子产品、网络设备、个人娱乐设备与商业设备上。最早的MIPS架构是32位,最新的版本已经变成64位。
在1981年,斯坦福大学教授约翰·轩尼诗领导他的团队,实现出第一个MIPS架构的处理器。他们原始的概令是透过指令管线化来增加CPU运算的速度。 1984年,约翰·轩尼诗教授离开斯坦福大学,创立MIPS科技公司。于1985年,设计出R2000芯片,1988年,将其改进为R3000芯片。
从内存中读取指令:指令存放在内存中,PC (Program Counter) 存放了指令在内存中的地址
machine instruction0000 0001 0010 1011 1000 0000 0010 0000
assembly language statement
add $t0,$t1,$t2
$t0 = $t1 + $t2
- MIPS下一共有32个通用寄存器
- 在汇编中,寄存器标志由$符开头
- 寄存器表示可以有两种方式
- 直接使用该寄存器对应的编号,例如:从31
- 使用对应的寄存器名称,例如:sp
- 对于乘法和除法分别有对应的两个寄存器hi
- 对于以上二者,不存在直接寻址;必须要通过mfhi("move from hi")以及mflo("move from lo")分别来进行访问对应的内容
- 乘法:
存储32位低位 - 除法:
- 栈的走向是从高地址到低地址
$0 | $zero | 常量0(constant value 0) |
$1 | $at | 保留给汇编器(Reserved for assembler) |
3 | v1 | 函数调用返回值(values for results and expression evaluation) |
7 | a3 | 函数调用参数(arguments) |
15 | t7 | 暂时的(或随便用的) |
23 | s7 | 保存的(或如果用,需要SAVE/RESTORE的)(saved) |
25 | t9 | 暂时的(或随便用的) |
$28 | $gp | 全局指针(Global Pointer) |
$29 | $sp | 堆栈指针(Stack Pointer) |
$30 | $fp | 帧指针(Frame Pointer) |
- zero,该寄存器总是返回零,为0这个有用常数提供了一个简洁的编码形式。
move $t0,$t1
add $t0,$0,$t1
使用伪指令可以简化任务,汇编程序提供了比硬件更丰富的指令集。 2. at,该寄存器为汇编保留,由于I型指令的立即数字段只有16位,在加载大常数时,编译器或汇编程序需要把大常数拆开,然后重新组合到寄存器里。比如加载一个32位立即数需要 lui
- 3:(v1)用于子程序的非浮点结果或返回值,对于子程序如何传递参数及如何返回,MIPS范围有一套约定,堆栈中少数几个位置处的内容装入CPU寄存器,其相应内存位置保留未做定义,当这两个寄存器不够存放返回值时,编译器通过内存来完成。
- 7:(a3)用来传递前四个参数给子程序,不够的用堆栈。a0-a3和v0-v1以及ra一起来支持子程序/过程调用,分别用以传递参数,返回结果和存放返回地址。当需要使用更多的寄存器时,就需要堆栈(stack)了,MIPS编译器总是为参数在堆栈中留有空间以防有参数需要存储。
- 15:(t7)临时寄存器,子程序可以使用它们而不用保留。
- 23:(s7)保存寄存器,在过程调用过程中需要保留(被调用者保存和恢复,还包括ra),MIPS提供了临时寄存器和保存寄存器,这样就减少了寄存器溢出(spilling,即将不常用的变量放到存储器的过程),编译器在编译一个叶(leaf)过程(不调用其它过程的过程)的时候,总是在临时寄存器分配完了才使用需要保存的寄存器。
- 25:(t9)同(t7) 27:(k1)为操作系统/异常处理保留,至少要预留一个。 异常(或中断)是一种不需要在程序中显示调用的过程。MIPS有个叫异常程序计数器(exception program counter,EPC)的寄存器,属于CP0寄存器,用于保存造成异常的那条指令的地址。查看控制寄存器的唯一方法是把它复制到通用寄存器里,指令
(move from system control)可以将EPC中的地址复制到某个通用寄存器中,通过跳转语句(jr
发生异常时,这两个寄存器的值不会被恢复,编译器也不使用k0和k1,异常处理函数可以将返回地址放到这两个中的任何一个,然后使用jr跳转到造成异常的指令处继续执行。 - gp)为了简化静态数据的访问,MIPS软件保留了一个寄存器:全局指针gp(global pointer,$gp),全局指针指向静态数据区中的运行时决定的地址,在存取位于gp值上下32KB范围内的数据时,只需要一条以gp为基指针的指令即可。在编译时,数据须在以gp为基指针的64KB范围内。
- sp)MIPS硬件并不直接支持堆栈,你可以把它用于别的目的,但为了使用别人的程序或让别人使用你的程序,还是要遵守这个约定的,但这和硬件没有关系。
- fp)GNU MIPS C编译器使用了帧指针(frame pointer),而SGI的C编译器没有使用,而把这个寄存器当作保存寄存器使用($s8),这节省了调用和返回开销,但增加了代码生成的复杂性。
- ra)存放返回地址,MIPS有个
(jump-and-link,跳转并 链接)指令,在跳转到某个地址时,把下一条指令的地址放到a0~v0,ra`返回。
, sub
, and
, or
, nor
, slt
, sll
, srl
, jr
- opcod: Operation Code
- rs: number of source register
- rt: number of source register
- rd: number of destination register
- sham: Shift amount (number of bits the operation is shifted)
- Func: function (opcod extension)
, lw
, sw
, lh
, sh
, lb
, lbu
, sb
, ll
, sc
, lui
, andi
, ori
, beq
, bne
, slti
, sltiu
- opcod: Operation Code
- rs: number of source register
- rd: number of source or destination register
- imd: Immediate value 即时量
, jal
- Opcod: Operation Code
- Imd: immediate value
- 代码段以 .text为开始标志
- 包含了各项指令操作
- 程序入口为main:标志
- 程序结束标志
- 注释以#开始
- 数据段以 .data为开始标志
- 声明变量后,即在主存中分配空间。
格式:name: storage_type value(s)
- name:变量名
- storage_type:数据类型,可以为.word, .ascii, .data, .byte等等
- 对于.space 需要指明需要多大空间(bytes)
- .ascii 与 .asciiz唯一区别就是 后者会在字符串最后自动加上一个终止符
- value:初始值
var1: .word 3 # 声明一个 word 类型的变量 var1, 同时给其赋值为 3
array1: .byte 'a','b' # 声明一个存储2个字符的数组 array1,并赋值 'a', 'b'
array2: .space 40 # 为变量 array2 分配 40字节(bytes)未使用的连续空间,最好事先注释数据类型
算术与逻辑指令 Arithmetic and logic instructions
- 最多3个操作数
- 在这里,操作数只能是寄存器,绝对不允许出现地址
- 所有指令统一是32位 = 4 * 8 bit = 4bytes = 1 word
用于实现将两个来源(source)寄存器内的值相加,并存储到目标(destination)寄存器中。然而,有时候两个寄存器内的值相加会超过32位。由于我们使用补码(Two's Complement), 两个32位的值相加之和会达到33位。每个寄存器内的值在 区间,因此他们的和也就在区间。
addi rd rs imd
- 如果我们认为这个imd是自然数,那么在其高位添加上16个0(也就是零位拓展)
- 如果是整数,那么将这个数的最高位(也就是第15位)复制16次添加到高位(因为是补码也就是符号位拓展)
or rd rs rt
或and rd rs rt
且xor rd rs rt
异或nor rd rs rt
ori rd rs imd
and rd rs imd
xori rd rs imd
- 逻辑移位
sll rd rt sham
: rt >> sham => rd, shift left logical 向左移位,将最高位丢弃,每位向左移动,最低位补0。srl rd rt sham
:rt << sham => rd
向右移位sllv rd rt rs
**注意:用rs寄存器内值做sham,仅有最低五位(也就是靠右的)是有意义的. ** - 算数移位
sra rd rt sham
: rt >> sham => rd shift right arithmetic 向右算数移位,即保持高位数不变,因移动而缺失的位置用原数字补上。常用除法:srl $t1, $t0, 1
将t0的值除于2;若除于4,则移动2位。srav rd rt rs
- R型指令
slt rd rs rt
: set if less than:if rs < rt
then1 => rd
, else0 => rd
; operands are signed (整数)sltu rd rs rt
: set if less than unsigned (自然数) - I型指令
slti rd rs imd
set if less than immediate (sign extension注意是符号位拓展因为是算数操作)slitu rd rs imd
set if less than immediate unsigned 注意当需要16位转32位时,immediate被看作整数,即使用符号位拓展,因为是算数操作。在比较时,两个比较的值都将被视作自然数!lui rd imd
: load upper immediate 将imd的值载入到寄存器rd的高16位
add $t0,$t1,$t2 # $t0 = $t1 + $t2; add as signed (2's complement) integers
sub $t2,$t3,$t4 #$t2 = $t3 Ð $t4
addi $t2,$t3, 5 #$t2 = $t3 + 5; "add immediate" (no sub immediate)
addu $t1,$t6,$t7 #$t1 = $t6 + $t7; add as unsigned integers
subu $t1,$t6,$t7 #$t1 = $t6 + $t7; subtract as unsigned integers
mult $t3,$t4
#multiply 32-bit quantities in $t3 and $t4, and store 64-bit result in special registers Lo #and Hi: (Hi,Lo) = $t3 * $t4
#运算结果存储在hi,lo(hi高位数据, lo地位数据)
div $t5,$t6
# Lo = $t5 / $t6 (integer quotient)
# Hi = $t5 mod $t6 (remainder)
# 商数存放在 lo, 余数存放在 hi
mfhi $t0
#move quantity in special register Hi to $t0: $t0 = Hi
#不能直接获取 hi 或 lo中的值, 需要mfhi, mflo指令传值给寄存器
mflo $t1
#move quantity in special register Lo to $t1: $t1 = Lo
#used to get at result of product or quotient
move $t2,$t3 #$t2 = $t3复制粘贴
内存访问(存储与读取)Memory access instructions
- 两种操作:存储,读取
- 数据大小:一字节(Byte),半个词(Half Word),一个词或以上(Word)
对于所有访问内存的指令,其计算地址的方式都是一样的:将寄存器register source的值与即时值immediate想加(采用算数指令的加法Rs + Imd
)。然而,如果得到的地址处在系统权限内存区间(超出了 0x7fff ffff
同样的,如果地址没有对齐(读取Word一个词地址不是4的倍数,读取Half Word半个词不是2的倍数),那么处理器也会拒绝执行指令并触发异常。
lw rd imd(rs)
: load word, 4 bytes from memory atrs + imd
saved tord
sw rt imd(rs)
: save word, 4 bytes from memoryrt
written into memory atrs + imd
. The conversion of word respect Little Endianlh rd (imd)rs
: load half word, 2 bytes from memory atrs + imd
saved tord
, respect Little Endian. The half word read from memory is considered as a relative entire number so the MSB 16 bits will be filled with the 15 th bit of this half word. (signed sign extended 符号位拓展)lhu rd imd(rs)
: same withlh
but the half word is considered as a natural entire number and the MSB 16 bits will be filled with fifteen 0. (unsigned sign extended零位拓展)sh rt imd(rs)
: store a half word, assw
: load a byte, with signed sign extendedsb
: save a bytelhu
: load a half word unsigned, with unsigned sign extended
#load word
lw register_destination, RAM_source
#copy word (4 bytes) at source RAM location to destination register.
#从内存中 复制 RAM_source 的内容到 对应的寄存器中(lw中的'w'意为'word',即该数据大小为4个字节)
lb register_destination, RAM_source
#copy byte at source RAM location to low-order byte of destination register,
# and sign-e.g.tend to higher-order bytes
#从内存RAM location中复制低端位的byte至目标寄存器;同上, lb 意为 load byte
#store word
sw register_source, RAM_destination
#store word in source register into RAM destination
sb register_source, RAM_destination
#store byte (low-order) in source register into RAM destination
#将指定寄存器中的数据 写入 到指定的内存中
la $t0, var1
#copy RAM address of var1 (presumably a label defined in the program) into register $t0
lw $t2, ($t0)
#load word at RAM address contained in $t0 into $t2
#将 内存中地址指向为$t0的词 保存在 寄存器$t2
sw $t2, ($t0)
#store word in register $t2 into RAM at address contained in $t0
#将 寄存器$t2中的词 保存在 内存地址指向为$t0的内存中
lw $t2, 4($t0)
#load word at RAM address ($t0+4) into register $t2
"4" gives offset from address in register $t0
sw $t2, -12($t0)
#store word in register $t2 into RAM at address ($t0 - 12)
#negative offsets are fine
#Note: based addressing is especially useful for:
#arrays; access elements as offset from base address
#stacks; easy to access elements at offset from stack pointer or frame pointer
var1: .word 23
# declare storage for var1; initial value is 23
# 先声明一个 word 型的变量 var1 = 3;
lw $t0, var1
# load contents of RAM location into register $t0: $t0 = var1
# 令寄存器 $t0 = var1 = 3;
li $t1, 5
# $t1 = 5 ("load immediate")
# 令寄存器 $t1 = 5;
sw $t1, var1
# store contents of register $t1 into RAM: var1 = $t1
# 将var1的值修改为$t1中的值: var1 = $t1 = 5;
控制流 Control instructions
When a program is executing, its instructions are located in main memory. Each instruction has an address.
Each machine cycle executes one machine instruction. At the top of the machine cycle, the PC (program counter) contains the address of an instruction to fetch from memory. The instruction is fetched into the processor and is prepared for execution.
In the middle of the machine cycle the PC is incremented by four so that it points to the instruction that follows the one just fetched. Then the fetched instruction is executed and the cycle repeats. The machine cycle automatically executes instructions in sequence.
When a jump instruction executes (in the last step of the machine cycle), it puts a new address into the PC. Now the fetch at the top of the next machine cycle would fetch the instruction at that new address. Instead of executing the instruction that follows the jump instruction in memory, the processor would "jump" to an instruction somewhere else in memory.
However, it takes an extra machine cycle before the change in the PC takes effect. Before the PC changes, the instruction that follows the jump instruction in memory is fetched and executed. After that instruction executes, the next instruction to execute is the one that was jumped to. The instruction that follows a jump instruction in memory is said to be in the branch delay slot.
The reason for this delay is that MIPS is pipelined. Normally, instructions are executed one after another in sequence. In order to gain speed, the processor cleverly fetches several sequential instructions and starts working on them all. When the machine cycle calls for one of these instructions to be executed, much of the work has already been done. These instructions are in an instruction pipe.
This means that the instruction in the branch delay slot has mostly been completed when the jump is executed. Rather than waste this effort, the instruction in the branch delay slot is allowed to finish. Only then is the PC changed by the jump instruction.
The instruction that follows a jump instruction in memory (in the branch delay slot) is always executed. Often this is a no-op (A no-op instruction is an instruction that has no effect. A common no-op instruction is sll $0,$0,0
.) instruction. After it executes, the next instruction to execute is the one that was the target of the jump instruction.
Instructions always start on an address that is a multiple of four (they are word-aligned). So the low order two bits of a 32-bit instruction address are always "00". Shifting the 26-bit target left two places results in a 28-bit word-aligned address (the low-order two bits become "00".)
After the shift, we need to fill in the high-order four bits of the address. These four bits come from the high-order four bits in the PC. These are concatenated to the high-order end of the 28-bit address to form a 32-bit address.
For example, here is the machine language for the instruction that jumps to location 0x5B145188
. Say that the instruction is located at address 0x56767250
Most Jumps (and Branches) are Local
Most jumps and branches are to nearby addresses. The target of the jump instruction and the instruction following the jump instruction are likely to be close together in memory. The high-order four bits of their addresses will be identical. So the high-order four bits of the PC are the same as needed for the target address.
Of course, an assembly language programmer must be careful to make sure that this is so. When a compiler translates a source program into machine language it also must pay attention to addresses. For the tiny programs you will write for this course the high four bits of the PC will always be the high four bits of the jump address.
A jump instruction can't jump to any arbitrary location in the full 32-bit address space. It must jump to an address within the following range:
wxyz 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
wxyz 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1100
Here, wxyz represents the high-order four bits of the PC. Almost always the jump instruction and the jump address are both within this range.
上一段提到,内存16个区块,我们当前所在指令的区块,和j label
指令中的26位immediate值就不够用了,需要一个新的指令:jr rs
:jump to register。rs是存储地址的寄存器,程序直接跳转到rs中所存储的值所代表的地址。rs中所存储的值,可能会:
- 不是4的倍数,也就是这个地址没有对齐
- 在系统权限内存区间内,超出了用户权限区间
j target
# unconditional jump to program label target
# 不考虑任何条件,直接跳转至label指向的子程序/过程
jr $t3
# jump to address contained in $t3 ("jump register")
# 类似相对寻址,跳到该寄存器给出的地址处
分支if else
comparison for conditional branches is built into instruction
b target # unconditional branch to program label target
beq $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 = $t1
blt $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 < $t1
ble $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 <= $t1
bgt $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 > $t1
bge $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 >= $t1
bne $t0,$t1,target # branch to target if $t0 <> $t1
bgez $t0,target # branch to target if $t0 >= 0
bgtz $t0,target # branch to target if $t0 > 0
blez $t0,target # branch to target if $t0 <= 0
bltz $t0,target # branch to target if $t0 < 0
子程序调用 Subroutine Calls
At top is a sketch of what you can do with the j
instruction. (The same could be done with the b
instruction.) If the main routine needs to start up ("to call") a subroutine sub
it can jump to it with a j
instruction. At the end of the subroutine, control can be returned with another j
The subroutine returns to a statement in main
labeled ret
. The subroutine is called at just one point in main
and it returns to an address a few instructions after that point.
The subroutine is only used once in the main
program because it always returns to the same location. (You could write some tricky code to overcome this limitation. But it is much better to follow a subroutine linkage convention such as is about to be discussed.)
A subroutine call is when a main routine (or other routine) passes control to a subroutine. The main routine is said to be the CALLER and the subroutine is said to be the CALLEE. A return from a subroutine is when a subroutine passes control back to its CALLER. When a CALLEE finishes execution it nearly always returns control to its CALLER.
The register that is used for linkage is register $31
, which is called $ra
by the extended assembler. It holds the *return address* for a subroutine. The instruction that puts the return address into $ra
is (usually) the jal
Register $31
is one of the two "general purpose registers" that behave differently from the others. (The other one is register $0
.) The jal
instruction and register $31
provide the hardware support necessary to elegantly implement subroutines.
To understand how jal
works, review the machine cycle. The MIPS endlessly cycles through three basic steps. Each cycle executes one machine instruction. (This is a somewhat simplified view, but sufficient for now).
The jal
instruction does the following in the execute phase of the machine cycle:
jal sub # $ra <― PC+4 (the address 8 bytes away from the jal)
# PC <― sub load the PC with the subroutine entry point
# a branch delay slot follows this instruction
Very Tricky: the middle step of the machine cycle has already incremented the PC by four. At this point the PC holds the address of the instruction just after the jal
instruction. Now the execute phase of the jal
instruction adds four to that address and puts the result in $ra
. So now $ra
holds the address of the second instruction after the jal
The correct return address is "address of the jal
plus eight". This is because: (i) returning from the subroutine to the jal
instruction would be a disaster (since it would execute again, sending control back to the subroutine), and (ii) the instruction following the jal
is a branch delay slot.
Here is how the jal
instruction works in general:
jal sub # $ra <― PC+4 (the address 8 bytes away from the jal)
# PC <― sub load the PC with the subroutine entry point
# a branch delay slot follows this instruction
Here is how it works in this example. The entry point of sub
is 0x00400100
Fetch: When the jal is fetched the PC has 0x00400014.
Increment: The PC is incremented to 0x00400018.
Execute: $ra <― 0x004001C = 0x0040018+4
PC <― 0x00400100
The nop
instruction in the branch delay slot is executed. Then execution continues with the first instruction of the subroutine at 0x00400100
. Control has been passed to the subroutine and the return address in $ra
#subroutine call: "jump and link" instruction
jal sub_label
#"jump and link"
#copy program counter (return address) to register $ra (return address register)
#将当前的程序计数器保存到 $ra 中
#jump to program statement at sub_label
#subroutine return: "jump register" instruction
jalr $rs
#"jump and link register"
#jump to the address contained in Rs
jr $ra
#"jump to register"
#jump to return address in $ra (stored by jal instruction)
#通过上面保存在 $ra 中的计数器返回调用前
Note: return address stored in register $ra
; if subroutine will call other subroutines, or is recursive, return address should be copied from $ra
onto stack to preserve it, since jal always places return address in this register and hence will overwrite previous value
如果说调用的子程序中有调用了其他子程序,如此往复, 则返回地址的标记就用 栈(stack) 来存储, 毕竟 $ra 只有一个
- 打印寄存器中的值 必须将值放在寄存器2赋值打印不同类型的数据
li $4, 12345678 #将整数值12345678放在寄存器$4中
li $2, 1 #对$2赋值1
syscall #将值打印在终端
Value for $2 to print | type of data |
1 | integer |
2 | float |
3 | double |
4 | string |
11 | character |
- 从终端读取值,并存放在寄存器$2中
li $2, 5 #对$2赋值5
syscall #读取终端的值,并放入$2中
Value for $2 to read | type of data |
5 | integer |
6 | float |
7 | double |
8 | string |
12 | character |
read: .space 256 #声明一个256长度的内存中buffer
la $4,read #将$4指向read地址
li $5,255 #读取的字符串最大长度为255
li $2,$8 #读取
- 程序退出
li $2,10
Central Connecticut State University QtSpim Edition, August 2015